International Space Apps Challenge 2013

This weekend I took part in the International Space App Challenge. It is an event (not too dissimilar from Startup Weekend) where teams come together to solve challeges relating to space. the challenge range from hardware to software and visualisation and chicken farms to Mars.

I undertook the bootstrapping lunar industry challenge, also known as #Moonville for being a game for planning how to get private industry on the moon. I wasn't able to attract a team, but made a reasonable start.

MoonBizGame is the web-based game I created. It is a turn based game and highly compressed timelines. Currently, you can login with Persona, create your enterprise and buy launches into space. The SSL certificate is self-signed so you will get a warning, but the game is available at

I mentioned above that the site uses Persona to login. This is a technology created by Mozilla so that people don't need to create a username and password for every site they use. The Django implementation works well, even in localhost debugging. I look forward to using it on more sites in the future.